Red Bull Wololo Legacy 2022 - Age of Empires 2
It means that you see only statistics and results for matches you already seen (where you clicked "show results"), if you want to disable it, click "Disable spoiler-free mode" and you will see all statistics/results.
How to predict winner of match?
Find match:
- select one that hasn't started yet and has known opponents
Click on "Predict the winner" button next to this match and choose your prediction. You can change your prediction until the match starts.
What are prediction points?
It's only for fun so we use points. You start with 1000 points and you should not lose them if you want to continue. For example when you predict the winner with 200 points and you win, you will gain extra 200 points. If you lose, you will lose 200 points.
Do I need to register here?
No, but you need to use it from one browser. For best experience you can use Chrome on pc / mac, we don't recommend Safari browser. If you want to use Safari browser or some mobile browser, we recommend you to go to this link and save your unique "restore link" you will find there. You can use "restore link" to access you prediction profile from other browser or if your browser deletes your prediction profile (Safari could do that after 24 hours of inactivity on this website).