Lady of the Elephant

13.06.2022 - 24.07.2022
Time is in time zone (GMT+01:00) Bratislava - change time zone
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What is Age of Queens?
How can I join Age of Queens community?

Open in new tab and join us on Discord.

How can I sign up for this tournament?

Sign ups phase is closed now, but you can join some future tournaments.

Who sponsored this tournament?

The tournament was kindly sponsored by generous members of our community. They prefer to stay anonymous.

Can I stream this event?

Yes, the event is open for streaming. You will find all necessary information (recs and lobby codes) on our Discord server:

Where can I watch this event?

All games will be streamed on We will shout out other streams covering the event on Twitter

What is the Elephant Appreciation Award?

The judges (Mostly consisting of myself, Nodscouter, though others may be invited as well) will determine which player made the best use of their elephants in that match. The Elephant Appreciation award counts as another point in your favour for any given match, as if you had won an extra game.